Animation intended to, in a simple way, introduce the basic functionality of an encoder.

The 2017 edition of the biannual "Impulse" magazine containing product news, case studies etc.

A rendering intended for marketing materials such as flyers, brochures and the web.
A rendering intended for marketing materials such as flyers, brochures and the web.
Illustration used to support technical information in a printed mounting instruction.
Illustration used to support technical information in a printed mounting instruction.

One of the exhibition stands I have project-led.
This one had a size of 72 sqm and was a part of the 2019 SPS - Smart Production Solution trade show in Nuremberg.
This one had a size of 72 sqm and was a part of the 2019 SPS - Smart Production Solution trade show in Nuremberg.
My work, when it comes to exhibitions such as this one, consists of planning the booth contents, attendees, logistics and so on.
The part I enjoy the most is always drawing the booth and its podiums.
The part I enjoy the most is always drawing the booth and its podiums.

Excerpts from a previously used brand manual. It's the result of a cooperation between a colleague, working at a sister company, and myself.
This was quite a challenging task since it meant the joining of two well established brands. A balance act between making necessary changes while still maintaining brand recognition.
This was quite a challenging task since it meant the joining of two well established brands. A balance act between making necessary changes while still maintaining brand recognition.

This is an illustration I commissioned with the intention of being used together with information about the company's products when they are used in the paper industry. It is used used on the web as well as in brochures.
This is an illustration I commissioned with the intention of being used together with information about the company's products when they are used in the paper industry. It is used used on the web as well as in brochures.
A simplified schematic image intended to illustrate the fuctionality of an advanced encoder.
A simplified schematic image intended to illustrate the fuctionality of an advanced encoder.

Logotype used in connection to the company's 50th anniversary. It was printed on flags, giveaways and other festive items.

Photography is one of my biggest interests. The images to the left is the result of a fun side project.

Happy to help out a friend who needed a logo for his IG account.

Snapped some photos during a work trip to Nuremberg.

Pictures from a showroom/studio I recently drew. I took part in every step of the process, all the way from deciding on the size of the room itelf, to what materials to use, to drawing the furniture.
I also built the studio functions, consiting of camera, lighting and streaming equipment from scratch. You can find one of the videos recorded here below.
I also built the studio functions, consiting of camera, lighting and streaming equipment from scratch. You can find one of the videos recorded here below.
This is an example of a pre-recorded video, shot in the studio. It has the format of a thechnical walkthrough/sales pitch.
A promotional video I produced at an exhibition. Filming and editing was done by me under a very tight deadline.